2024 Election Result

The Parliamentary Election was both a huge success, and a disappointment;


The Green Party at National level more than doubled it’s vote, to just under 2m people. By ruthlessly focussing on our four target seats, (Bristol, Waveney, Brighton and Herefordshire), we gained four parliamentary seats, by far the best result in our history. Many party members in Cumbria contributed their time to directly support these elections, or donated massively to the cause.

Green ideas, not just on climate change and bio-diversity, but on more traditional topics such as jobs, housing, the NHS and social justice got proper air-time in the media; we won many of the debates.

We averaged 7% of the vote, (another record), and under a fairer, more representative electoral system, we would have gained 40+ seats. The call for Electoral Reform is louder and more persuasive than ever.

The despised Tory administration of the last 14 years was swept away, with many of their senior figures losing their seats. The Labour landslide is real, and to be welcomed, but we remain unpersuaded that they have the courage and ideas to actually transform Britain.


Here in Westmorland we got just 3% of the vote. The Liberal Democrat campaign was professional and played the same tune relentlessly; vote Tim Farron to keep the Tories out. Despite the evidence that the “Tories were toast”, this message hit home and gave the Lib Dems a 20,000+ majority.

Thank you to all those who voted with their consciences; history is definitely on our side!

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