Sparrowmire Development

We are in the midst of a housing crisis, and the Green Party want to see more housing built, especially affordable housing for young people and families. We are NOT opposed to development, but it needs to be based on the needs of local people, not just designed to maximise the Developer’s profit!.

There is a formal planning application for land nearĀ Sparrowmire. Our Green Party Councillor, Liz Hendry, has worked with local people to influence the development, but we still have some serious concerns;

  • 78 of the 143 dwellings (54%) are 4-and 5-bed executive homes, unaffordable by local people
  • Only 30% are Affordable homes
  • 143 extra dwellings will add to the load on the existing UU waste water treatment facilities.
  • A sloping site with poor natural drainage, which has caused flooding on the Hallgarth Estate.
  • The developers claim Hallgarth will not be affected as they will “divert runoff to Burneside” (!).
  • It’s a greenfield site.
  • Extra traffic on the busy Windermere Road.
  • A car-centric design, with little effort to encourage Active Travel or public transport.
  • Increased burden on local facilities – schools, doctors, dentists etc.

Westmorland and Furness Council will make the final decision on this development.

If you feel strongly about this issue, please comment using the link here.  

Closing date 27/2/25.

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