2025 Elections


Kendal Town Council has an overwhelming Liberal Democrat majority, (twenty six councillors to just two Greens), and this been true for years. The other main parties put up “paper candidates”; they appear on the ballot paper, but don’t actually campaign.

Two councillors have resigned, in the Highgate and Nether Wards, and we have requested a by-election in each.


Kendal Town Council has very few powers and less money – the big decisions on council tax, housing, transport, education are all taken by Westmorland and Furness Council.  So why bother having an election;

  • Voters want it – on the doorstep, people tell us they believe in democracy and want to vote.
  • Principle – democracy works best if the ruling party has an effective opposition.
  • Leverage – the Town Council can influence decisions take at County level

Why vote Green?

Our two councillors , Liz Hendry and Simon Blunden, have worked tirelessly to make things better for their voters, With two more councillors we can do more;

  1. Pressing for more affordable homes for local people.
  2. Fighting to protect local health services.
  3. Improving public transport links.
  4. Investing in safer paths and bridleways to enable active travel.
  5. Protecting and enhancing the town’s green spaces

Paul Wood (Nether) and Phil Clayton (Highgate) are planning to contest these seats for us.

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