
Your Local Candidates

Phil Clayton, Westmorland and Lonsdale

Phil has lived in Kendal for 24 years, and brought up his family here. Recently retired, he’s now focussing on making a real difference to the biggest threat we face; the climate emergency. Green, because only the Green Party is committed to making the hard choices needed to get us to a carbon-free economy. 

Phil has worked as a consultant to large organisations, including the NHS, Department of Energy and Lloyds Bank. He understands how to effect complex change in real world situations, and is passionately committed to the Green Party’s wider agenda of equality and social justice.

After 14 wasted years of Conservative rule, It’s time for a change; Real Hope. Real Change.

Your Local Officers

Simon Blunden, Councillor, Fell Ward.

Simon focusses on planning, finance and management.

Liz Hendry, Councillor, Strickland Ward.

Liz focusses on Europe, the environment and the climate change emergency, making sure the council puts that at the centre of everything they do.

Liz is a very active member on the Kendal in Bloom and Allotment committees. Her other interests-apart from helping people in her ward in any way she can- include keeping Kendal’s links with Europe, post-Brexit, and safeguarding and improving the town’s wildlife.  The first she does through the Kendal-Rinteln Twinning Association which has nurtured friendships with our German ‘twin town’ for over thirty years. The second is her work to protect and enhance the increasingly important ‘wildlife corridor’ along the Northern Reaches of  the canal’s towpath trail which is currently being upgraded to improve accessibility.

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Kate Threadgold, Membership.

Tim Goffe, Strategy Director.

Tim is a keen cyclist, ecologist and environmentalist, and long-time member of the party. He’s responsible for the direction of the election campaign.

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Fiona Atkinson, Communications Director.

Fiona is a passionate campaigner for the environment, and an active party member. She’s responsible for communications relating to the election campaign.

Chris Loynes, Party Chair and Media Director.

Chris is a lifelong campaigner for green issues and social justice. A previous Parliamentary Candidate for the Green Party, he’s the Chair of the local party, as well as being responsible for press and media relations.

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