Why vote Green?

Based on the latest polls, Labour will have an overall majority nationally, and the Liberal Democrats will win in Westmorland and Lonsdale. So why would anyone vote Green here?

  • The Conservative vote has collapsed, so there’s no need to vote tactically to keep them out.
    For the first time ever, people can vote with their conscience.

  • It’s going to be a Labour government, so one more Liberal Democrat MP won’t make a difference.
    One more Green MP has the potential to change everything.

  • Voting Green sends a clear message to whoever wins that Green policies are vote-winners.
    The differences between the major parties are insignificant when it comes to climate change, the economy, housing, transport & health. They won’t change unless we make them.

  • The polls have been wrong before.
    Westmorland and Lonsdale was a solid Conservative seat until the Liberal Democrats took it 18 years ago. Let’s take it back.

To learn more about our policies, please follow this link to the National Green Party website.

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